A Focus on Masonic Research, News, and other Tidbits
Homo sum; humani nihil a me alienum puto.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
The Almost Perfect Outdoor Degree Location
Wouldn’t this be a great place for an Outdoor Degree? The only down side is that it is too close to a highway and would be rather difficult to properly tile. These are the ruins of Old Sheldon Church, located in the Low Country of South Carolina near old rice fields. The church was first destroyed by the British during the War of Independence. It was rebuilt, but Sherman’s troops again put it to the torch during the War of Northern Aggression. The way you see it today is pretty much the way it was left by the Union troops. In addition to having many visitors, it is also rented out for outdoor weddings. If you ever find yourself on I-95 and passing through South Carolina, I highly recommend that you get off at exit 38 in Yemassee. The ruins are only about 10 minutes from the interstate. Just ask for directions at one of the gas stations in Yemassee.
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