A Focus on Masonic Research, News, and other Tidbits

Homo sum; humani nihil a me alienum puto.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

District Instructional Meeting Accomplished

I have gotten through my first District Instructional Meeting as a District Deputy Grand Master. Yesterday’s event was rather well attended and, in fact, we were close to having to eat in shifts for want of table space.

In South Carolina – these meetings are actually under the direction of the Masonic Education Committeeman, who covers three districts. I am fortunate to have a committeeman, a Past District Deputy Grand Master, who gently walked me through the whole affair. The chairman of the Masonic Education Committee, who is the Senior Grand Warden, was also in attendance along with another Masonic Education Committeeman from another trio of districts.

The host lodge is to be commended for all its hard work in preparing the fine breakfast and otherwise accommodating the officers of the other lodges along with the “purple people.”

The instructors reportedly did a good job during the breakout sessions. Of course, I was unable to observe all of these sessions since I was the instructor for the Masters. The sitting District Deputy Grand Master always instructs the Masters.

Did everything go perfect? Of course it did not. I imagine if everything was perfect, then we would not need these types of meetings. All in all, however, it was a good event.

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